Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Introduction to this Blog

This blog emphasizes the importance of combining the breath and meditation

There are two methods that I teach in private practice:

1. Transformational breathwork (alternatively called 'rebirthing' or 'the healing breath')

2. Transcendental deep meditation (based on raja yoga)

It is my experience that both methods are necessary on the path of self-realization and for the experience of wholeness.

Transformational Breathwork is effective for emotional clearing and for the removal negative thought patterns -- assuming it is applied properly by an experienced and knowledgeable breathworker.

Transcendental Deep Meditation allows the meditator to transcend the usual 'busyness' of the mind and access a foundational state of silent awareness. This silent awareness is the essence of 'being' and its true nature is 'consciousness'. The practice of T.D.M. is a powerful complement to the emotional clearing process of Transformational Breathwork.

I teach both methods and I encourage my clients to incorporate both practices into their daily routine.

If you are interested in private sessions, please email me directly at: Please include your phone number, if possible.

This blog embraces both the rational and the intuitive

Much has been written about the New Age, some of it positive, some of it skeptical, and some of it blatantly negative. Well, no one can deny that we are in a new age. I was born in 1950 and as of today, 2011, my world is entirely different. For me, this is certainly a new age.

This blog is neither pro-new age nor anti-new age. It is concerned with reality and truth, health and well-being, relationships and leadership. Since I am a longtime practitioner and teacher of these two self-development methodologies -- transformational breathwork and transcendental deep meditation -- some may consider me a new age 'true believer'. Well, I am not.

I am a rationalist with a strong penchant for empiricism. I am also deeply interested in spirituality and the notion of self-realization or 'enlightenment'. Finally, I understand that as important as reason and empiricism are, they too have their limits. There are limits to thought. There is a dimension to life which cannot be accessed by the intellect alone. I call this dimension 'being-consciousness'.

The dimension of 'being-consciousness', in terms of philosophy, falls into a category called 'ontology', which is a study of the nature of 'being'. Since being is not a 'thing', it cannot be accessed directly by either the senses or the intellect. Yet, no-one can deny that he or she has 'being' since in order for any experience whatsoever to occur, there must be 'being'. In its absence, there will be no experience at all. What provides continuity to the continually changing contents of our life experience is 'being'. It is because we are 'being' that we can create some kind of description that gives order to our life.

Most of the essays which I have written for this blog are philosophical in nature. I draw on inference, deduction and analysis throughout. You may agree or disagree with what I write, but you will find that I do not make wild assertions. I do, however, present arguments in favor of various possibilities which I feel intuitively are valid and worth reflecting upon.

Please read to your heart's content. I truly welcome comments, both positive and critical and will, to the best of my ability, respond to all of them.


Duart Maclean

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